NAME: Aizzie Delos Santos
PRESENT ADDRESS: Meycauayan Bulacan
(updated last 28 May 2010, 0630 pm)
- beverage = sterilized milk
- phone call = with my brother
- text message = with my brother again, asking him where the hell is he!
- song you listened to = "Call Me Maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen
- time you cried = Almost cried last night
- dated someone twice = Yes
- been cheated on = Yes
- kissed someone & regretted it = Nope
- lost someone special = Yes, my dad ='(
- been depressed = always
- been drunk and threw up = Drunk yes, threw up once or twice I think
- Pink
- Orange
- Periwinkle
LAST YEAR (2011)
- Made a new friend = Yes! a lot
- Laughed until you cried = I was born to do that
- Met someone who changed you = yeah! in a way
- Found out who your true friends were = Already knew them!
- Found out someone was talking about you = dont know! I dont care!
- Kissed anyone on your FB friend's list = aside from my family and close friends, none..
- How many people on your FB friends list do you know in real life = 80%
- Do you have any pets = scared to have one
- Do you want to change your name = No
- What did you do for your last birthday = went out with my family
- What time did you wake up today = 09:00am
- What were you doing at midnight last night = watched LOVE RAIN episode 6 =)
- Name something you CANNOT wait for = none so far
- Last time you saw your Mother = I'm with her now
- What is one thing you wish you could change about your life = I wish I hugged my dad so tight and told him that I Love him when we last saw each other before he died.
- What are you listening to right now = California King Bed by Ahmir
- Have you ever talked to a person named Tom = nope
- What's getting on your nerves right now = almost everything
- Most visited webpage = facebook, twiiter and blogger
- Nickname/s = ice, aizzie
- Relationship Status = single and lovin it!
- Zodiac sign = Taurus

- Elementary = Meycauayan College
- High School = Meycauayan College
- College = Our Lady of Fatima University
- Hair color = Black
- Long or short = Long
- Do you have a crush on someone? = right now, I hate guys
- What do you like about yourself? = My bubbly personality =)
- Piercings = Ears
- Tattoos = None, wish I have one
- Righty or lefty= Righty
- First surgery = none
- First piercing = Ears when I was born
- First best friend = Catherine
- First sport you joined = none, I'm not a sporty type
- First vacation = Laguna
- Eating = nope
- Drinking = nope
- I'm about to = eat
- Listening to = "By Chance" by JRA
- Waiting for = money =D
- Want kids? = yeah! 2 boys and 1girl (the girl must be my bunso)
- Get Married? = Maybe, In a Garden or in our parish or sa beach
- Lips or eyes = Eyes
- Hugs or kisses= both
- Shorter or taller = Taller
- Older or Younger = older
- Romantic or spontaneous = both
- Nice stomach or nice arms = both
- Sensitive or loud = both
- Hook-up or relationship = now hook up =D
- Trouble maker or hesitant = Hesitant
- Kissed a stranger = nope
- Drank hard liquor = once
- Lost glasses/contacts = glasses :(
- Sex on first date = that's too fast
- Broke someone's heart = Yes and did not regret doing that
- Had your own heart broken = Many times
- Been arrested = Nope
- Turned someone down = Maybe
- Cried when someone died = Yes!!
- Fallen for a friend = walang talo-talo
- Yourself = Sometimes
- Miracles = Yes
- Love at first sight = Maybe
- Heaven = definitely
- Santa Claus = yeah!
- Kiss on the first date = saan ba!
- Angels = I have many!
Edit mo din 'to, my new found friend =)
I want to know you too..
Lots of kisses,
hi,gumaganda na talaga itong blog mo. ano ang tawag sa template mo?